
Founder is really a position or mindset

This morning when I woke up to sleep, I was fresh but the mind was very heavy. There was only one thing going on in the mind.

Founder is really a position or mindset?

Yesterday I was pitching to Startups Founders when I came to know about a young senior of my college who also started his own startup. I was very happy then i contacted him over linkedin Then took his mobile number and talked to him on the phone.

I listened to his full journey about how he started his startup after college and all. But due to some reason, he was going through a bit of a Struggle due to his startup. And that’s why he didn’t want himself to be featured yet on Leantale.

And I completely agreed with his words. Then he gave the number of another senior who was also doing his startup and was in full grinding mode. I also talked to him on LinkedIn.

I think he did not have a very big team, he was working alone with some freelancers. When I pitched to him, he said, “Brother, I am not a founder, I am at the very initial stage now.

Then this line hit me hard. Let me tell you why I am telling you this whole scenario.

When I say I feature successful founders on LeanTale, that does not mean I am talking about position, turnover or anything.

This is all about mindset.

Founder is not a position It is a mindset : Ajeet Yadav

If you are only running a YouTube channel and managing a blog, but if you are doing it with Business Mindset you are a founder. Founder does not mean that you have a very large team, you have got funding and you are profitable. It has nothing to do with

Do you understand what I want to say? If you agree with my words please let me know the comments and share them with your friends too. Who should see this post?

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